ChooToy Music
Groovy Tracks with a Unique Bite. Dig it!
🎵 I Hate You - Metal (3:46)
🎬 Official AI Video
🎵 Drinkin' Beers (In My Room) (3:36)
🎬 Official AI Video
🎵 Future (2:56)
🎵 Destiny Arise (2:39)
🎬 Official AI Video
🎵 I Hate You - Country (3:53)
🎬 Official AI Video
🎶 Download All .mp3s (.zip)
Last updated: Tuesday March 25, 2025 at 1:13 AM (MST)
Disclamer : While developed and maintained by a Human (me ),
pretty much all of the content you see, including images, videos, and the actual HTML/CSS/JS source code,
is AI-generated. In fact, the ONLY content that is not AI-generated is the music itself.
The Tunez are All Human, baby!
To be clear... I did NOT build this site using "vibe coding" (such a vile thing). No, I used AI as a tool, as it should be used. WE ARE THE OVERLORDS!!!
Magnus Stark : Vocals, Bass, Drums, Mixing/Mastering
SwishDaddy : Guitars, Web Dude, Surprisingly Handsome
Diego : Bass, Vocals, Various Other Instruments
Whatever else you do, ABSOLUTELY DO NOT
⚠️ It is unauthorized, and will incur the wrath of the Gods (i.e. the other members
of the project, of which I am but a humble servant).
😈 But go ahead and click it... you know it's wrong... but you want to anyways.
So just do it. You know that you cannot resist. Do it. Do it now.
😇 And don't hate me for my sheer guitar awesomeness; I humbly submit that I cannot help
but to rock. And always remember... Joy is in the ear that hears!
☠️ FYI, there's like a 99.99% chance that clicking that link won't infect your machine with a
nasty virus... you feelin' lucky, punk? :)